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Vietnam Revised

The Swift Boat controversy may be irritating and annoying and ultimately irrelevant, but it raises the spectre of historic revisionism.
The points of contention seem to concern such high virtues as honesty, loyalty, honor, and courage which are assumed to be building blocks of heroism. This assumption may be flawed when one considers that these virtues are based on the intellectualizing of a society's history; that is to say, how we would collectively choose to remember an event. Furthermore, to be virtuous one needn't be intellectually honest.
The effect of this national vetting of Vietnam-era memory is that we will revise the history of that time. Those were difficult times, nasty and brutal, and every American carries guilt for the destruction in Vietnam and at home. To apply a lexicon right or wrong, good or ill, during that time applies a moral relativity that never existed; there were only human beings and mistakes.
Historical revisionism allows us to forget the lessons that we should have learned. In Vietnam, we learned that a war must have a clear mission and a clear exit strategy and must be executed unwaveringly and unbridled by domestic concerns. Mr. Bush failed to plan an appropriate exit strategy; Mr. Kerry has wavered in his support of the action and believes that domestic policy can co-exist with foreign interventions. Neither one of these assholes seems to have learned their fucking lesson.

In the interest of a learned Ministry, Jack has dug up this posting of Mr. Kerry's book The New Soldier. It is primarily a collection of veteran remembrances of the war and was the basis of Mr. Kerry's infamous Senate testimony.


Call To Action

Now that we've all seen how easy it is, I strongly encourage an attempt to get a Jack inside that polygon.



I'm sorry, I seem a bit confused on this...
Why must Bush pull these independent ads, while the Kerry campaign sails under the radar?
Maybe someone out there can clear this up for me, or does it really matter? The FCC will tell us what to think...


Elements of Leadership

A column by Clifford May appeared 08.23 cataloguing Italy's contributions to the efforts fighting fundamentalist terrorists. Among the notables, PM Berlusconi's administration believes in spreading democracy to the Middle East, and that Iraq is a battle worth fighting. Fabrizio Quattrocchi, executed by al-Zaqawi's cell last April, is an Italian hero remembered for his courage. This should sound familiar, as it seems that Berlusconi and the Italian people are philosophically similiar to Bush and the United States in these matters, if not others.
In Nigeria, Andy Ike Ezeani recently wrote that Berlusconi "occupies a prominent area of cynicism in almost every Italian mind," but "when ever he needs even public endorsement to get through to his goal, there will be enough Italians to get him through." Again, there is a parallel to Bush's relationship with the American people.
It could be argued that both Bush and Berlusconi act in ways that do not enjoy majority support, but that raises an important question: should a leader act as the majority would, or in the best interests of the majority? Furthermore, can those two things ever be different? With the American election this fall and the Italian election in 2006, this fundemental element of leadership is a point of belief that can not be ignored.

Dribble Drabble

As planes continue to fall from the sky, our candidates for president continue to bicker over pointless matters. With much bigger fish frying on the horizon, I ask all Jacks how they can cast a vote for someone whose mind is stuck in the sixies?


Doing The Best We Can

The TSA wants to take over the no-fly list so this kind of story doesn't happen again. But let's be honest, Teddy is the McTerrorist of Chappaquiddick.

And furthermore, the Chief Architect would like to address Ciatog's recent charges of being ugly, boring, etc. D Nova does all the friggin' work on this site so that Ciatog, and everybody else can enjoy a spot on the web. So basically, Ciatog is the one who sucks, is ugly, and clearly hard up and pissy from the lack of action with something human or at least female.


Ralph's is a pretty cool place in Worcester. I went there yesterday. You guys are boring people. Ugly, too.


Hey Muthafuckas !!!!!!!!!!!

Muthafuckas ! Hey muthafuckas !!!!!!!!!!

what's up people. last night was an awesome show that you fairies missed out on. Darkbuster and Kings of Nuthin. as if that isn't excuse enough to put more alcohol than blood in my vessels, it was also my friend's birthday so suffice to say i am still fuckin wasted and it's 10 a.m.

i'm really enjoying oldies 103.3 today. this is the song they're playing, a Fenway Park staple :
"i don't care what you say anymore cuz it's my life !! fuck off with your own life and leave me alone !"

anyway, you guys suck. see ya.



You know, there's just somethin' about these dreary days that makes a man feel at home.


Diamonds and Guns

It's been reported that al-Qaeda has been getting diamonds from Charles Taylor. Well, had been until he was ousted. I guess that's the thanks we get for the millions we gave Liberia over the years.


What the hell does Rant mean?

I don't wanna go on a rant here but America's foreign policy makes about as much sense as Beowolf having sex with Robert Fulton at the first Battle of Antetum. I mean when a neo-conservative defenstrates it's like Raskalnakov filibuster dioxymonohydrostinate.

UPDATE: The above was posted by our Secretary of Refuse Dispersal whose name is not JTEllis, but, in fact, Chicken Broth. He received his position in Refuse Dispersal because of his ability to succinctly disperse refuse such as this. Chicken Broth not only spelled "Antietam" incorrectly, he also fails to offer a single explanation of what he is talking about. The Secretary will refrain from using capital letters in the future, and will include hyperlinks or references with which to found his point. The Yellow Jacks Ministry of Reactionary Dialogue is not, of course, a cyber-tavern for blatant pilfering and amateur editorializing, but as a machine of propaganda for the Evolution prophesied by Jesus, Thor, and William S. Burroughs. And we're not talking Tarzan here, or turkey for that matter. (D Nova)



Party Politics and a New Introduction

It is our pleasure to introduce our newest Politburo member through this candid document. At the Beantown HQ of the Yellow Jacks, Secretary of Cog Ciatog and the recently nominated Secretary of Refuse Dispersal, have their rubles removed by the out-of-view Chief Architect of Insanity. This was also one of our few moments of relaxation and brevity in what was an otherwise serious night of grandiose soap-box standing. The trite triumverate play a rousing variation of the People's Diversion of Stab 'Em.


Generous Contemplation of The Security Apparatus

The absurdity of this work if it is in fact work, is that futility can not be an element of productivity. And truly, this is so futile as to be absurd. To be on the front lines of the modern world's guilt and groping, sunk in a darkness of desperation that is as complete as the denial that accompanies. Working to no end; the mission is more thorough than robed enemy structures, violating laws of crystalline structures. Working to establish a symmetry that synthesizes the most mythological of our instinct (See Levy 129-131 and 1st Proof). It is dirty to posit and proof in intellectualism. Rationalism. Self-satisfaction; to have become comfortable in the self-deprecating belief that existence is irrational - linear as well, and therefore, unambiguous - only to find the greater organism gagging on the taste when forced to reconcile and externalize the same vacuum.
The place of the single string of Security-Organism is the paranormal assembly worker producing at various intervals the Secure Citizen, trusted within the well for the duration of his displacement. He is the correct incarnation of identity; He is devoid of means; He is flaccid; He is a correctly functioning node. The process is strangely simple and necessarily discomforting. Divest, submit, negotiate, reconstruct. Apply millions of times, repeating as digitally as possible. This work continues unabated, a salve to the tortured leprous creation of un-evolved minds.

The following alternatives are acceptable to Jack:
"Researchers hope to be able to someday build a giant, samba-dancing, capoira-kicking robotic crab walker with which to impose a Brazilian dominance over the entirety of mankind." Gizmodo
"Yes, we have armed forces and police, but I truly believe that this nation's only hope lies with an army of cars and jets and things like that which can - at a moment's notice - transform into big robots that fight things, often each other." SixSixFive

Mission, er, accomplished.

D Nova spent the past week working at the DNC and left Ciatog in charge. Lo and behold, there have been no new posts. Jack is not sure who owes whom an apology, or even if that is the correct set of pronouns. Nevertheless, the reports are being prepared at this time, and several topics, both real and imagined, will adressed shortly. Stand by, then.