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What the hell does Rant mean?

I don't wanna go on a rant here but America's foreign policy makes about as much sense as Beowolf having sex with Robert Fulton at the first Battle of Antetum. I mean when a neo-conservative defenstrates it's like Raskalnakov filibuster dioxymonohydrostinate.

UPDATE: The above was posted by our Secretary of Refuse Dispersal whose name is not JTEllis, but, in fact, Chicken Broth. He received his position in Refuse Dispersal because of his ability to succinctly disperse refuse such as this. Chicken Broth not only spelled "Antietam" incorrectly, he also fails to offer a single explanation of what he is talking about. The Secretary will refrain from using capital letters in the future, and will include hyperlinks or references with which to found his point. The Yellow Jacks Ministry of Reactionary Dialogue is not, of course, a cyber-tavern for blatant pilfering and amateur editorializing, but as a machine of propaganda for the Evolution prophesied by Jesus, Thor, and William S. Burroughs. And we're not talking Tarzan here, or turkey for that matter. (D Nova)


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