Recess is over gentlemen. Jack has instructed me to assemble the Ministry of Reactionary Dialogue for a summer session. Briefly, all officers pictured above should feel welcome, nay, compelled to post for consideration various items of interest on a regular basis. These may include humorous anecdotes, shocking photographs, absurd news items, or personal business which may help others to pass the time. To the right of this frame, the Speak Easy Whiskey Bar is always open, hopefully with free-flowing liqour and some attempt at adolescent clowning. Furthermore, under the camerati menu are links to useful locations.
At any rate, I was damn near eaten by fire ants Friday, the 13th. No doubt this is due to the papcy of a German priest. Below is a photograph of my size sixteen giraffe hoof with the damage done.

Comments on "The Boys of Summer"
For the record, the dork was half eaten on Monday the 16th, not Friday the 13th. He has no idea what today is and so can't even begin to comment on past events, days, lives or the future either.
Since there are little or no details surrounding this alleged "fire ant" incident, I can only assume you were engaged in illegal or at least immoral activities at the time of the attack. Or is this part of cop school?
H-Bomb's analysis is incomplete; truth be told, I operate outside the functional limits of time, and therefore am not beholden to any of your Greek pagan calenders.
In response to Ciatog's thirst for private information, the immoral activity was being forced to sprint up several steep hills at the academy.
that is freakin hideous doug.