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Fixin' For a Hangin'

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury..."
What is more thrilling than a war crimes tribunal? There is drama, nauseating photographs, scandalous testimony, and the laughable claim that this court is illegitimate. Predominately, however, the war crimes tribunal features a forgone conclusion; and in Iraq it is so forgone, that the country has restored the death penalty, salivating at the chance to use it.
Truly the best part about these kinds of trials, is that they reinforce two of the most basic axioms of the international community: might makes right and history will be written by the victor. Truth is fairly irrelevant here, and so is pomp, procedure, and evidentiary chains. What will be important is the assertion of power by the Iraqi government, an airing of dirty laundry that will cathartic, and then the erasure of Saddam Hussein, et al from our collective ass, where he's been such a pain. One can only hope that we will spared these types of proceedings for Osama Bin Laden, and that he will simply be obliterated by a three thousand pound warhead.
Most importantly, and in conclusion, this will mark the first expression of the Iraqi social contract. It will be unique to those people, and at times difficult for the international community to tolerate, but one must believe that this has the ability to give the Iraqi people the hope that fear can be tried and hanged in the streets.


Food for Your Soul War

If a trauma may reduce a man to a childish state, then a conflict with an overwhelmingly hellish set of possibilities may well reduce a society to similar natal state. When the weight of history falls upon any generation, that generation may feel itself curling into the spiritual and mental equivalent of a fetal position. The great empires and wars of the past have resurfaced in the form of a world conflict that shakes the collective rationale to its philosophical roots.
The very notion of nationalism, which saw the human race through the great wars of last century, is the first ideal to feel its metaphysical grasp attacked. After all, the enemies know no border, nor do the soldiers, nor the defenders. The State is proving to be a very subjective institution indeed, bogged down by the quagmire that relativism is. One's home may reside in the state, and an emotional impulse to defend it is natural, and understandable, but the relation between the state and the home is not as clear as it was in 1942. Here is only part of the dilemma for the people of the world: if my home is not safe in the hands of the State, and it is not safe in the hands of the attackers, then with whom does the security of my home reside?
The facade of rationalism that has been applied to life for a century or more is crumbling. History reminds us of another generation, too young to fight the fascists in Europe, but old enough to recognize the minuscule value of their own lives under the shadow of nuclear war. Civilians are again the fodder for the conflict of the quasi-State. Westerners are the causalities of hijackings and biological warfare, while the poor and hungry of the third world will fall to the blunt instruments of the superpowers. Security is temporarily being defined as living life as we may have in the not too distant past, but as Fall and fighter jets swarm the mid-Atlantic, life is again at a standstill, as it was after the Korean war for many individuals; precarious at best.
Attempts to rationalize the surreal and inexplicable situation of the world popularly hinge on deducing a cause. Unfortunately, theories of the haves and the have-nots, the Imperialists and the agrarians, the East and the West, the religious and the secular, all fail to synthesize what is ultimately 2,500 years in the making. From the Roman Empire and the conditions from which the Abrahamatic religions took root, to the colonization by European countries, to the Napoleanic conquests which shaped the lines of battle for the first world wars, to the Cold War and the post-colonial ramifications, placing blame is hardly a viable issue. Still, the fact is plain; homes are threatened, and they must be defended. Why they must be defended is not a question that can be rationalized; to do so would be to forfeit that uncomfortable feeling which all of humanity must internalize: our lives are not in our control. Worse still, our lives are the only thing that we have left.
If the die is cast, if we are grass shoots in the path of history's sickle, and if we, as members of a community which only providence has chosen for us, are to be front line combatants, then which side do we want to be on? How disconcerting to be placed in the position of even having to ask that question. It is clear, however, that no person's perception is worthy of our complete trust. It would be clear if this conflict was simply about retribution for a damaged skyline, but no player is approaching an end-game in which those that would poison mail and transportation and a religion are removed from the global community. Who is guilty? Who are the victims? Where is the mighty justice of the civilized world? Where is the empathy for those denied education and the simple joy of music? Humanity may be dead, but the propaganda machine churns out from the caves of the East and the conference rooms of the West.
In the face of suspect motives of my enemy and my state, as well as the truly irrational and subjective nature of this antepost-modern 21st century, I choose to modernize Stephen Dedalus: "I will serve no ideology; be it economic, religious, or political." Furthermore, I must conclude that it is the war of all against all, every man for himself; the individual is the priority now. As a species, our last line of defense may be our souls, and the chaos which whips around us now is forcing us to begin again, to abandon the philosophies of the past. Watch for the root being burned away, so that you may be ready to plant again when the fire has subsided.

Editorial note: Jack discovered this buried, virtually of course, amongst several hundred files of his original work. There has been very little editing, and we are hard pressed to accurately date it. If a guess has to be taken, Springtime of 2002 will suffice. Of course, the author was significantly less able to articulate himself in those days, though Jack has allowed the flaws in language to remain.


I Can't Tell You How I Know This

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) has been making some interesting points on CNN today. First, he makes the point that the security and well being of the US and Western world is dependent upon a stable Iraq. Secondly, he says that Saudi security is of particular concern. If the royal family were to lose power to radical insurgents, Nelson theorized, the entire region would be susceptible to another domino effect. With the world's largest oil reserves controlled by committed jihadis would almost certainly precipitate a world war. Chilling. Even more so is the analysis contained in the just release book by an anonymous CIA officer entitled, Imperial Hubris. While the author's belief that the Iraqi and Afghani invasions were not only poorly executed, but "failed half-wars," seems to this Jack to be incorrect, here is analysis that is powerful:
"We are fighting a worldwide Islamic insurgency -- not criminality or terrorism -- and our policy and procedures have failed to make more than a modest dent in enemy forces."

This dialogue of the Yellow Jacks has been opened to ferment the development of this new generation's social construction. It seems, however, that before we can begin improving the world that we have inherited, we must survive.


Allow Me to Chastise

The Ministry of Information Retrieval is sick to death of digging up interesting articles for discussion amongst comrades, only to have the chatter remain non-existent. So, henceforth, y'all can find your own reading material. What Jack will not stand for is idle complacency. The bourgeoisie of our Western world may lack urgency but the Yellow Jacks must own the fraternal duty of shepherds in the coming tempest, and therefore do not have the luxury of entitled apathy. As the nation state approaches symmetry, it is vitally important that we begin to develop our organic contingencies. More frank accountings to follow.


Willie, Waylon, and Me

We have located the next official terrafirma headquarters for the Yellow Jacks. In addition to our New England outpost, the Republik of Texas will be receiving a substantial Endowment of the Revolution with the unwitting blessing of the federal government.


The Young Revolutionary's Starter Kit

To expedite the recruitment of our proletariat posse and young smokers, we are offering the Young Revolutionary's Starter Kit. This exciting offer includes:
- One Romanian SKS barrel and receiver assembly. Includes template for you to carve your stock from native lumber!
- Two copies of Comrade Mao's Philosophy on Thought. One for you, and one for the fascist you would rather re-educate than shoot.
- Three potato eyes for founding a local vodke distillery. Remember your quota, comrade, and the Central Comittee will remember you.
To have this kit sent to your dacha, send us four Special K (the K is for Kommunist!) and $6.95 S&H for the capitalist swine postal service.


Which Side Are You On

This article comes to us courtesy of C-Jack. Solidarity has won a victory in Boston.
Let us take comfort in this inspiration that unity is a foundation of progress.

UPDATE: Consider that participating unions are petitioning the centralized bureaucracy for the courtesy of peer discussion. The State system is incapable of reconciling its interests with the interests of the people. This asymmetrical social organization will cause great damage to the interests of the State come the middle of July.


Perhaps our turn is coming up shortly. The best case scenario is to be prepared for the ideal population level. The Jacks recommend stockpiling weapons before adding any other useful skills.



"Daughter of Jove, leave war and battle alone, can you not be contented with beguiling silly women? If you meddle with fighting you will get what will make
you shudder at the very name of war." The Illiad

Is there Glorious history to be made this generation? If so, we may wish to get right on that.


Third World Convulsions

'The state is dead!' Congo rebels cry
Comrades and Comradettes! The Congolese have read the interminable text of the Yellow Jacks, and they have chosen violent resistance to the World Order. We offer all the funds our Karmic Account can provide.
"...but he thinks that he should warn her, that the Third World, is just around the corner..."
More on this development when I return home from violating 4th Amendment Rights as a vocation.

UPDATE: The Congo continues to collapse. As Jacks, we are concerned with the state of all the people of the planet, but specifically, the Third World continues to demonstrate that ethnic, religious, political, or more appropriately for the Western world, economic idiosyncrasies will become more exacerbated in the future. This tension diminishes the State's ability to maintain the quid pro quo of the Hobbesian social contract because a bureaucratic government is incapable of synthesizing systems of communities.


Surprisingly, There Was No Alcohol Involved

We called the Witch Doctor and this is what he said...Just pay your landlord to replace this door instead...But Mr. Munley, he just could not hold it in...and we said, Whiskey! Whiskey please! Poon-tang, walla walla bing bang!


"He's Crazy! Kill Him!"

The Black Hand. The Red Brigade.
And the Yellow Jacks. Coincidence? I think not.
Hee hee hee hee. Worthwhile read.

The Micks Yelled At Me

Nothing good will ever come of spinning one's wheels. It has been recomended that we have less ranting and more raving here at Yellow Jacks HQ, and so we will rave about the abject humor of schlepping a thirty year old exercise bike up the stairs for nothing more than pedaling and going nowhere.