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Third World Convulsions

'The state is dead!' Congo rebels cry
Comrades and Comradettes! The Congolese have read the interminable text of the Yellow Jacks, and they have chosen violent resistance to the World Order. We offer all the funds our Karmic Account can provide.
"...but he thinks that he should warn her, that the Third World, is just around the corner..."
More on this development when I return home from violating 4th Amendment Rights as a vocation.

UPDATE: The Congo continues to collapse. As Jacks, we are concerned with the state of all the people of the planet, but specifically, the Third World continues to demonstrate that ethnic, religious, political, or more appropriately for the Western world, economic idiosyncrasies will become more exacerbated in the future. This tension diminishes the State's ability to maintain the quid pro quo of the Hobbesian social contract because a bureaucratic government is incapable of synthesizing systems of communities.

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