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While the record companies maintain a death grip on the means of musical production, your Chief Architect is busily preparing himself for the arrival of the People's Republic of Rock. In the spirit of common sharing, I would like to offer my proletariat peers these two tracks. The first is a classic tune from Stiff Little Fingers titled Roots, Radicals, Rockers, and Reggae; they released it back in 1981, coinciding of course with the tumultuous start of the Reagan administration. The second is Bunny Wailer's dub version Roots Raddics Dub. These two cuts will be the foundation of the Aught-Five Summer in Texas mix-up, but that's all there is on the playlist so far; any suggestions? Finally, if anyone is waiting with baited breath for a Star Wars III review, t.s. Just kidding; very much worth watching it is.

This links got yanked jut like the Chief said they would, so if anybody didn't get the tracks, y'all have to ask nicely now.

Stiff Little Fingers
Roots, Radicals, Rockers, and Reggae
Bunny Wailer
Roots Raddics Dub


April 29, 1983

i figure since people are using this again, i'd just give you guys something to laugh at. here is the transcribed account of chicago cubs manager lee elia's rant to a radio reporter at wrigley field on april 29, 1983...

“Fuck those fucking fans who come out here and say they're Cub fans that are supposed to be behind you, ripping every fucking thing you do. I’ll tell you one fucking thing, I hope we get fucking hotter than shit, just to stuff it up them 3,000 fucking people that show up every fucking day, because if they’re the real Chicago fucking fans, they can kiss my fucking ass right downtown and PRINT IT.

“They’re really, really behind you around fucking ass. What the fuck am I supposed to do, go out there and let my fucking players get destroyed every day and be quiet about it? For the fucking nickel-dime people who turn up? The motherfuckers don't even work. That's why they're out at the fucking game. They oughta go out and get a fucking job and find out what it's like to go out and earn a fucking living. Eighty-five percent of the fucking world is working. The other fifteen percent come out here. A fucking playground for the cocksuckers. Rip them motherfuckers. Rip them fucking cocksuckers like the fucking players. We got guys busting their fucking ass, and them fucking people boo. And that’s the Cubs? My fucking ass. They talk about the great fucking support the players get around here. I haven't seen it this fucking year. Everybody associated with this organization have been winners their whole fucking life. Everybody. And the credit is not given in that respect.

“All right, they don’t show because we’re 5 and 14...and unfortunately, that's the criteria of them dumb fifteen mother-fucking percent that come out to day baseball. The other eighty-five percent are earning a living. I tell you, it'll take more than a 5 and 12 or 5 and 14 to destroy the makeup of this club. I guarantee you that. There’s some fucking pros out there that wanna win. But you’re stuck in a fucking stigma of the fucking Dodgers and the Phillies and the Cardinals and all that cheap shit. It's unbelievable. It really is. It’s a disheartening fucking situation that we're in right now. Anybody who was associated with the Cub organization four or five years ago that came back and sees the multitude of progress that’s been made will understand that if they're baseball people, that 5 and 14 doesn't negate all that work. We got 143 fucking games left.

“What I’m trying to say is don't rip them fucking guys out there. Rip me. If you wanna rip somebody, rip my fucking ass. But don't rip them fucking guys because they’re giving everything they can give. And right now they're trying to do more than God gave ‘em, and that’s why we make the simple mistakes. That's exactly why.”

and by the way, you all should check out another blogspot account for zisk magazine at


The Boys of Summer

Recess is over gentlemen. Jack has instructed me to assemble the Ministry of Reactionary Dialogue for a summer session. Briefly, all officers pictured above should feel welcome, nay, compelled to post for consideration various items of interest on a regular basis. These may include humorous anecdotes, shocking photographs, absurd news items, or personal business which may help others to pass the time. To the right of this frame, the Speak Easy Whiskey Bar is always open, hopefully with free-flowing liqour and some attempt at adolescent clowning. Furthermore, under the camerati menu are links to useful locations.

At any rate, I was damn near eaten by fire ants Friday, the 13th. No doubt this is due to the papcy of a German priest. Below is a photograph of my size sixteen giraffe hoof with the damage done.