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This Planet

Hey did anyone read this article?
we use hyperlinks here
When I emerged during the calm of my holiday-bender storm to go to work today, I realized you can't just leave reality for the week without the Earth getting all out of whack. . I'm not sure what I mean by that, but if someone has some money you should donate it to the tsunami relief. See ya.


Can He Do Espresso?

Thank god for Mr. Bean. If this Law goes through in the (fc)UK, the Ministry of Reactionary Dialogue may be cut off from an important source of our audience: the Limey bastards who taxed our tea and pillaged our native white women. On the other hand, the law stipulates comedy, jokes as it were, and this whole operation here might not be very funny at all. Merry Krappy Kwanza. I'm fed up with the entire scenario, fed up to my freakishly high Adam's Apple.


Green Piece

Ladies and gentlemen of the electorate, it has become evident that an evil force calling himself JTEllis has been running the show around here for quite a long while now. It's time for the madness to stop, so here is a peace offering: my first photographic work with absinthe. I realize that this borders on haughty pretension and many in the Ministry hate the French, though not nearly as much as my wife; if Jack didn't want me drinking the stuff he wouldn't have made it such an excellent emotional crutch.

Regardless, we are all breathlessly awaiting Ciatog's report on the olde country. Chicken Broth has requested, and been granted, a nomiker change, and will hence forth be known as The Shaper. A gay little cookie for anyone who can name the obscure literary reference.

Every Italian's favorite holiday is coming up...that's right, the Feast of Blasphemous Copulation. Enjoy, sinners.



Two Things

1) An interesting take on Micheal Moore from Nader's perspective.

2) A transcription of dinner at the CC household, thanks to CC:
ma : "hey danny, you want a glass of milk?"
d : "milk? no i don't drink that shit."
ma : "well, you oughta. your bones will get brittle! chris, tell him."
chris : "yeah you'll get that fuckin thing, whattya call it, osteoporosis or whateva."
d : "yeah? who cares??"
ma : "for christ's sake, just have a glass of milk."
d : "yeah, WHUTEVA !!!!"


"An Ethical Quagmire"

This is really fucked.