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Researching the Cave (1)
The Yellow Jacks began our project of debate and active historizing with the assumption that the stars have aligned precariously for the human race. That is to say that there is War and Chaos in the world; war between religions, war between idealogies, war for resources, and war for Nothing...chaos of communities, chaos of body. All in all, a war of all against all, it is polarization paramount. Furthermore, the Yellow Jacks suffer from a symptom of the Enlightment era and presume that a solution to every puzzle exists. Our experiences in Dream Fluidity further suggest that merely playing the Language Game, verbalizing what is inarticulate internally, is the foundation of an individual' solution. Thus, the rambling threads of concern.
The construct currently being examined by the self-appointed Architect of Insanity is the word-thing Symmetry. The follwing proof is offered for debate: 1. Symmetry is the product of a system. ==Systems are created to control phenomenon. ===Phenomenon that is natural is imposed upon by systems. ====Therefore, systems are unnatural. 2. If systems are unnatural, then symmetry is unnatural. ==Unnatural states of symmetry are the culmination of an unnatural system. ===Culmination is the exhaustion of kinetic energy. ====Kinetic energy in a system maintains inertia. =====Therefore, systems in a state of symmetry lack forward inertia. 3. A system without inertia is... Of course, this proof is incomplete and is more a rehashing of Hegel than anything original, but the working hypothesis is straightforward enough to discuss. Thesis: Social systems remain constructs of imposition, with Symmetry the valued commodity. Is the thesis sound? If it is, is Symmetry in our social systems the ideal object? Citizens, use the comment link below to make your contribution. |
What's in your socks?
When there is a threat to your country, it should be in the Commander-in-chief's best interest to put an end to that threat. Sandy Berger realized this, hid the documents proving the threats of al-Qaeda in his socks, and Bill Clinton shoulda fuckin better known better.
Lucid Conversation in Waghdas
Jack slams his whiskey on the table.
"What is the point then? You fat wanker." The point, Jack, is that the democratic process is not designed to produce a government capable of being all things to all constituents. Of course, it was never precisely designed in any sort of peer review or engineering sense anyhow. It is only a system of nodes, capable of producing another node. It will never produce a Philosopher King. "So I will suffer through this election season, and the only thing that will come of it is another stiff who I hate?" That's pretty much the gist of it Jack. Until the people on this planet are interested in their metaphysical evolution, it'll keep on this way. "What the hell are you talking about?" The adolescent nature of the masses. Trivial concerns, emotional responses, hypocritical bureaucracy; it's all part and parcel of a fundamental misunderstanding of the world. Look, Jack, without self-reliance, we the people are at the whims of more base and turgid elements. The social contract is expiring, technology is silently absolving us of communal responsibilities, and Armageddon is wracking the brains of some very dangerous people. "You sound like a paranoid moron." They call me Cassandra. "It should make a good story." Nova is writing it now, between sips of Jameson they tell me. "Will it be a movie?" Only if there are theaters to show it in. "So what I'm hearing is that before I can be concerned with improving my lot to a fourth dimensional existence, I have to sweat my physical survival?" You heard it Jack. |
Think Like Them
Summary of Marc Sageman's book Understanding Terror Networks offers some interesting information for any Jack who wants to learn to think like the people we're supposed to be mixin' it up with.
The current assignment is to try to recognize upcoming dates that are relevant to the history of Islam, and offer targets that correspond with the modus operandi of these al Qaida cells. This shouldn't be construed as numerology, unless of course it's right. Rather, take the following for example and build on the idea in the comment section: On July 21st, 1798 Napolean routed the Arab armies at the Battle of the Pyramids. French independence is celebrated on July 14th. Should the French be on higher alert for that week this summer? |
This speak-easy of space talk was opened for rambling discourse on the evolution of the transient telekinetic social node and the molding of environments rich in dream fluidity. How quickly we've become sidetracked by the more immediate concerns of assymetrical redundancies and the illusion of an international social contract. Now we must face the reality that our homeland may not be ready for a species of Jacks, and furthermore, may not even have the Tin from which to forge the Gold of a Philosopher King. The irony, of course, is that Mr. Bush's one true failure, his inability to communicate the purpose and mission of the country in a clear and unifying way, is even more apparent today. We speak of the new travel restrictions to Cuba. The revolution on that island has succeeded in creating a tourist trap for every country but the US, no more a threat than say, perhaps, New Guinea. So why? Why, Mr. Bush, must you fuck with the comrades and comradettes? |